Wednesday 18 May 2011

Fosse Septique - Fin

Yesterday our fosse septique was finally completed after a long week toil by our Contractor. It has been passed by the inspectors and for us its the first construction milestone reached.

However, that's not where it quite ends. It is France you see. When asking for the operating and maintenance manuals and guarantee for the pump I could see all of a sudden I needed to learn a third language as I was clearly not being understood. However, being a stubborn sole and really insisting on these things I have been promised that these will be forthcoming but would first need to be collected from the four corners of the earth, before being sent onto us.

I don't think it was so much my powers of persuasion that brought about this sudden change in helpfulness but more of a sudden realisation on the Contractors part that he was still owed quite alot of money. I am now thinking until I get these bits of paper I will with hold just a tiny amount of money from the job.

So from now on there should be no more hedgehogs having to be rescued from open excavations and the build work can now begin .That reminds me, I must check on the planning permission with the Maries office  - it has gone really quite!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve

    I've thought I'd pop in and catch up on your progress. The Fosse looks good:)

    When do you envisage completion...I see you've found some rot in the roof trusses but I hope it doesn't turn out to be a major problem.

    I need to catch up with Martin and Angela too. I don't think we've spoken since their wedding anniversary!

    All best

