We have just got back from a holiday in France having spent the best part of two weeks in our Caravan pitched up in the back garden of our house. Our friends opposite had cut the grass down to as far as possible and prepared a nice pitch for the van. The builders had opened up the hedge off the lane so we could drive into the back garden, mains water and electric had been laid on and we have 3000 litre fosse to dispose of our toilet waste.
Everything was perfect except we forgot to order the sun. Ten days of continuous rain, seriously stopped any real work on the house and any chance of topping up our tans The previous week scaffold had been erected around the house and the front wall re-built up to approximate floor level. The roof tiles had been removed and broken up for hardcore. Our poor house is now open to the elements with only the skeleton of a roof for protection and the rain continued to fall day after day.