Sunday, 6 February 2011

Under Floor Heating

I have been thinking again about under floor heating to the ground floor of the house. This being something that I considered from the start of the project, my thoughts being around heating pipework rather than electric cables. There are lots of products on the market and the cables are pre-spaced and attached to hessian matting.and can be bought is various roll lengths.

Thermostats can be inserted into the floor and coupled with zoning and programmable thermostats enables greater control and economy. In our particular case we have two options with regards to installation, The cables can be buried within the screed and then the floor tiled. Alternatively if thinner cables are used these can be placed on top of the screed then tiled over.


At the moment I am in favour of cables being directly under the tiles as response times to temperature changes should be much quicker. A little worry being however that the cables could be damaged during the laying of the tiles or by some fixing through the floor.